Blue Campaign. HOW TO TALK TO YOUTH ABOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING: A Guide for Youth Caretakers and Individuals Working with Youth.


US Department of Health and Human Services


As a youth caretaker or individual working with youth, you are in a unique position to reach those considered 
vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking: youth. You play an important role because you interact with 
youth regularly, you learn about their lives, and you often gain their trust. You may also help connect youth with 
their peers and/or communities, which may help protect them against exploitation. 
You may also be able to recognize when something is wrong in a youth’s life. This guide includes information about:
» What human trafficking is
» How to recognize it among youth
» Tips for talking to youth about general exploitation 
» Information about building life skills that may help prevent youth from being trafficked 
» Reporting options if you suspect a youth is affected by human trafficking or being exploited 
This guide can be used by any adult who is a caretaker of a youth or individuals who work with youth 
through formal or informal programming in classrooms, camps, community or faith-based programs, sports 
leagues, mentorship programs, and more. The information in this guide can be incorporated into existing 
activities, lessons, or conversation that you use to engage the youth in your lives. This content can be adapted to 
best meet the unique needs of your program and/or the youth you interact with. This guide was created with a 
focus on middle and high school-aged youth (11- to 17-years old).