Book review by Isaac Coplan of The Political Life of Homeless Youth and the Search for Stability, authors Jeff Karabanow, Sean Kidd, Tyler Frederick and Jean Hughes.


Issac Coplan

Year published
Canadian Journal of Urban Research

Book review by Isaac Coplan of The Political Life of Homeless Youth and the Search for Stability, authors Jeff Karabanow, Sean Kidd, Tyler Frederick and Jean Hughes.

Volume and issue



Homeless youth, youth experiencing homelessness, Homelessness and instability, Transitional housing, Post-homelessness, Re-housing, Canada, youth


This journal article explores a book on youth homelessness and factors they youth face related to instability after transitioning out of homelessness. The book Jeff Karabanow, Sean Kidd, Tyler Frederick and Jean Hughes addresses a major gap in research on youth homelessness in Canada by attempting answer the question: what happens after youth have transitioned out of homelessness? The book summarizes the findings and processes used in completing a multi-year longitudinal study that with 51 youth aged 16 -25 in Halifax and Toronto who had recently transitioned into housing from experiences of homelessness. (author abstract modified)

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