Community Saturation Toolkit; Resources for Youth-Serving Program Providers.


Family Services & Youth Bureau.


The toolkit is a how-to guide that provides youth-serving program providers with practical information, guidance, and recommendations on how to implement a community saturation approach aimed at promoting behavior change through a coordinated messaging approach. As a companion resource to the Community Saturation Sourcebook, the toolkit provides a collection of strategies and tools to help engage various community stakeholders, groups, and organizations to effectively distribute sexual risk avoidance messaging across your community. Community saturation includes the widespread distribution of key health messages through a coordinated effort using a community’s information environment. That specific environment will include interpersonal, organizational, and digital communication outlets. Specific strategies and tactics to undertake a community saturation effort are described in detail throughout this toolkit. Please note that this toolkit does not cover message development, and it is recommended that key messages are fully developed before beginning a community saturation effort.