The Crosswinds - Open Table Collaboration: An Aftercare Model for Runaway and Homeless Youth.


Johnson, B.R., & Wubbenhorst

Year published

Baylor University


This case study examines an innovative partnership consisting of a community-based program funded by RHY in Cocoa Beach, Florida, named Crosswinds Youth Services (CYS), and a group of volunteers from a nearby parish, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Community. St. John had already licensed the Open Table model to serve in its community prior to its relationship with CYS. CYS was one of five recipients of the aforementioned supplemental grants, although they had already started down this path, having included Open Table in its most recent TLP grant that they won. The Crosswinds-St. John’s collaboration entails the matching of youth residing at CYS’ Transitional Living Program (TLP) with a group of volunteers, referred to as Table Members, to serve as a relational support system to help the youth develop and implement a life plan for successfully transitioning from the TLP towards safe and stable housing, education and/or employment, and economic independence.