Experiences of Youth in the Sex Trade in Chicago: Issues in Youth Poverty and Homelessness


Schaffner, L., Buhr, G., Lewis, D., Roc. M., Volpintesta, H.

Year published
Accession number



Experiences of Youth in the Sex Trade in Chicago: Issues in Youth Poverty and Homelessness


Center for Court Innovation, New York, NY


This report represents one of six site-specific reports from a national multi-site study conducted by the Center for Court Innovation in collaboration with the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention within the U.S. Department of Justice, the study aimed to gain a representative portrait of the lives and needs of youth who are involved in exchanging sex for money, food, housing, drugs, or other goods. To complement the quantitative focus of the national multi-site report, this report and the five other site-specific reports endeavor to provide a rich qualitative account that reveals and gives voice to the experiences, perceptions, and needs of the relevant population. The Chicago researchers conducted and analyzed interviews with 202 youth, ages 13 to 24, who self-identified as having traded sex for money or other needs during the reporting period.

Availability details

Available for free download on the Center for Court Innovation website at: https://www.innovatingjustice.org/publications/experiences-youth-sex-tr…
