Family Unification Program-Family Self-Sufficiency (FUP-FSS) Demonstration Evaluation.


Claudia D. Solari, Mike Pergamit, Mark Treskon, Mica O’Brien, Amy Rogin, Matthew Gerkin, Annelise Loveless, Martena Reed, Urban Institute, Amy Dworsky, & Chapin Hall.


The Family Unification Program – Family Self-Sufficiency (FUP-FSS) Demonstration was designed to be implemented by public housing authorities (PHAs) that offer both FUP and FSS as a way of improving services for youth aging out of foster care. By extending the rental assistance for FUP youth who participate in the demonstration and adding case management services through the FSS program, the stated goal of FUP-FSS was to “test the effectiveness of combining housing assistance for eligible youth lacking adequate housing under FUP with the assistance under the FSS program”. This evaluation is meant to assess how well the program fulfills the intent to serve youth aging out of foster care and the effectiveness of partnerships with public child welfare agencies (PCWAs) and other youth-focused organizations that are components of the model. The authors use qualitative research and quantitative analysis of HUD administrative (PIC and VMS) data to measure the short-term initial efficacy of the demonstration.