Keeping Mentoring Connections in a Socially Distanced World: Findings from a Youth-Engaged Study of Virtually Adapted Mentoring Practices in Response to COVID-19.


Glenn R. Love, Martena Reed, Teja Vemuganti, & Megan Halmo.

Journal Article
Year published

This project—a collaboration between Equivolve Consulting, , MENTOR Maryland | DC, and MENTOR Memphis Grizzlies—brought together youth of color to build an understanding of how COVID-19 has impacted them in the context of their mentoring relationships. The goal of the project was to collect data that would inform improvements and innovation in the mentoring field, both now and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Equivolve provided capacity-building for youth to co-develop research questions, inform data collection instruments, and co-analyze qualitative data collected through interviews and focus groups with mentoring program staff and participating youth, respectively. This research brief describes our methods, including: the process for engaging youth in developing research methodologies; summarizing findings from our interviews and focus groups; offering lessons for mentoring programs facing the challenges of offering mentoring services during the COVID-19 pandemic; and lessons from engaging youth in research activities virtually that can be applied to future research.
