" Life Skill Development and its Impact on Perceived Stress, Employment and Education Pursuits: A Study of Young Adults with a History of Homelessness and Trauma."


Beker, J., & DeAngelis, T. M.

Year published
Student Journal of Occupational Therapy
Beker_2021.pdf (390.42 KB)

" Life Skill Development and its Impact on Perceived Stress, Employment and Education Pursuits: A Study of Young Adults with a History of Homelessness and Trauma."

Volume and issue

2, 2


"An occupational therapy educational training group for young adults in permanent supported housing
was developed, implemented and evaluated with pre-post outcome measures including Goal Attainment
Scaling (GAS) and the Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10). This study explored stress levels and
employment-related goals of individuals who have aged out of the foster care system and may also have
had a history of chronic homelessness and trauma.
Results demonstrated a trend towards significance in perceived stress (Z = 1.689, p = 0.91) with 7 of 8
participants surpassing the expected outcome according to GAS. Limitations included a small
convenience sample (n = 8), inconsistent attendance and use of self-report measures."