Preventing Youth Homelessness in the Context of Covid-19: Complexities and Ways Forward.


Perri, M., & Sohn, J.

Journal Article
Year published
Journal on Homelessness
Perri_2022.pdf (237.38 KB)

Preventing Youth Homelessness in the Context of Covid-19: Complexities and Ways Forward.

Volume and issue

2, 1


The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has magnified detrimental social and health experiences and consequences for youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Recent research indicates that heightened household tensions due to stay-at-home orders, coupled with pandemic-related financial insecurities, have worsened pre-existing factors for many young people, particularly for those experiencing stigma and violence. As a result, it can be projected that the risk and experience of youth homelessness will intensify. In spite of this, there has been scarce attention to the impacts the current context has on these vulnerable groups. This commentary aims to bring attention to the prevailing issues and challenges faced by youth at-risk of homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic and provides crucial considerations for preventative solutions by incorporating the Roadmap for the Prevention of Youth Homelessness Framework. Based on research across fields, we offer insights for equity-focused, collaborative interventions, focusing on the education and social services sectors.