Sexual Identity Disclosure Reflections among Young Adult Sexual Minorities: Resources Needed for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth.


Emetu, R. E., Bowman, S. M., & Obeng, C. S.

Journal Article
Year published
Journal of Behavioral & Social Sciences

Sexual Identity Disclosure Reflections among Young Adult Sexual Minorities: Resources Needed for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth.

Volume and issue

6, 2


Sexual identity disclosure or the "coming out" process is often coupled with psychological distress and may be challenging for LGBT youth. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the disclosure process of same-sex sexual preferences among sexual minority individuals through the lenses of those who have undergone the process. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 17 participants. Results indicate the following five main themes: (1) the importance of parental acceptance and support; (2) the need for mental health support; (3) addressing stigma; (4) the significance of comprehensive secondary school sexuality education; and (5) the use of social media for navigation and social support. We recommend the development of interventions that tackle parental support, mental health concerns, stigma, and sexuality education to reduce health disparities and assist LGBT youth through the coming out process.