Shining Light on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Toolkit to Build Understanding.

Year published

Youth Collaboratory & Wichita State University Center for Combating Human Trafficking.


Survivors of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) need specialized mentoring services that are victim-centered and trauma-informed. Taking into consideration the unique needs and vulnerabilities of  CSEC survivors (or those at-risk for such abuse and exploitation), agencies must be thoughtful about the mentoring model they utilize. Though research on mentoring survivors of CSEC is limited, it has been shown to have a positive impact on youth with similar vulnerabilities. When done well, mentoring can be transformational, providing a model for healthy relationships and increasing positive educational, social, and emotional outcomes. There are various aspects of mentoring an organization needs to consider to inform their program approach, such as:

--The overall intention of the mentoring program.
--The existing programming into which it will be integrated.
--The timeframe for program participation.
--This will help determine the type of mentoring and activities that will be offered.