Student Resilience in the Face of Challenges at California’s Community Colleges


California Homeless Youth Project

Year published

Student Resilience in the Face of Challenges at California’s Community Colleges


California Homeless Youth Project


The California Community College (CCC) system is facing an unprecedented food and housing crisis. To better understand the intersecting challenges that community college students face, the needs and resilience strategies of these students, and what state policymakers, campus leaders, and other stakeholders can do to support their academic success, the California Homeless Youth Project at the California State Library interviewed 20 students between 18 and 30 years old who were currently enrolled at a community college or had graduated or transferred from one within the past two years, and had received any kind of housing-related ser¬vice while attending a community college. The findings and recom¬mendations are based on the knowledge, experiences, and insights that these students graciously shared. The interviews reveal that the impact of facing insecurity spill over into all aspects of students’ lives, and that more than a stable source of food and housing is re¬quired to help these students succeed.