Understanding Organizations Serving Runaway and Homeless Youth: A Multi-setting, Multi-perspective Qualitative Exploration


Gwadz, M., Freeman, R., Leonard, N. R., Kutnick, A., Silverman, E., Ritchie, A., Powlovich, J.

Journal Article
Year published
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal

Understanding Organizations Serving Runaway and Homeless Youth: A Multi-setting, Multi-perspective Qualitative Exploration

Volume and issue

36, 2


Homelessness among youth, youth experiencing homelessness, Support systems, Traumatic experiences, Mental health, Social network, Suicidality


This journal article focuses on a qualitative study, grounded in the Youth Program Quality Assessment model, explored characteristics of higher quality organizations for RHY and gaps that remain from staff and RHY perspectives. A total of 29 diverse settings serving RHY in New York State were randomly selected for participation and ranked on a quantitative program quality index. Within settings, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with program administrators (N=30) and other staff (N=24). Focus group interviews were conducted with RHY (N=13 focus groups; N=84 RHY). Data were analyzed using a systematic content analysis approach that was both theory-driven and inductive, comparing higher to lower quality settings. (author abstract modified)