Using research to improve postsecondary education outcomes of community college students in foster care.


Havlicek J, Dworsky A, Gitlow E.

Year published

Using research to improve postsecondary education outcomes of community college students in foster care.


Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.


Community college is the most common pathway into postsecondary education among young people in foster care. This pathway is a logical choice for both academic and financial reasons. Many young people in foster care with aspirations for postsecondary education need remediation before they are prepared for college-level coursework. Young people in foster care stand to benefit both academically and financially from starting at a community college. That said, few studies have examined the experiences of community college students who are or were in foster care. This mixed-methods study with funding from the Spencer Foundation was conducted to learn more about the experiences of Illinois community college students who are or were in foster care. The research included three main components: Administrative Data Analysis; Document Review; and Semi-Structured Interviews.