Youth Homeless and Juvenile Justice: Opportunities for Collaboration and Impact


Coalition for Juvenile Justice

Year published
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Youth Homeless and Juvenile Justice: Opportunities for Collaboration and Impact


This brief discusses the significant overlap between two populations—youth involved with the juvenile justice system and youth who experience homelessness. Youth who lack safe and stable housing often become involved with law enforcement and the justice system because of status offenses, public ordinance violations, or survival crimes. This brief outlines the possible long-term effects of youth homelessness and justice involvement, including physical and mental health problems and poor educational and vocational outcomes. It outlines seven areas where youth-serving organizations, including juvenile justice systems, runaway and homeless youth program, health departments, schools, community-based providers, and philanthropists, can collaborate to make an impact, including: 1) undertaking or funding research; 2) educating stakeholders; 3) investing in prevention and diversion opportunities; 4) improving re-entry planning; 5) advocating for change; 6) ensuring efforts reach youth of color and LGBTQ youth; and 7) partnering with youth and giving young people who have experienced homelessness and juvenile justice involvement leadership roles. In 2016, the Coalition for Juvenile Justice launched the Collaborating for Change: Addressing Youth Homelessness and Juvenile Justice project.  

Availability details

Available for free download from the Coalition for Juvenile Justice website at:…
