Youth Involvement in the Sex Trade: A National Study


Swaner, R., Labriola, M., Rempel, M., Walker, A., Spadafore, J.

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Youth Involvement in the Sex Trade: A National Study


Center for Court Innovation


The Center for Court Innovation produced this report in collaboration with the John Jay College of Criminal Justice about a study conducted to gain a representative portrait of the lives and needs of youth who are involved in exchanging sex for money, food, housing, drugs, or other goods. Funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention within the U.S. Department of Justice, the study provides a quantitative, multi-site analysis of findings from nearly 1,000 youth interviews across six sites, official criminal justice data sources, and interviews with service providers. The researchers used state and federal data sources to develop a national population estimate range of youth under 18 years of age who are engaged in the sex trade from a low of 4,457 to a high of 20,994. To date, the study has produced six reports providing comprehensive ethnographic findings concerning the lives of youth in the sex trade in each of the research sites: Atlantic City, NJ; the Bay Area, CA; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Miami, FL; and Las Vegas, NV. The researchers selected geographically diverse sites that were deemed likely to possess a relatively sizable population of youth in the sex trade. The report summarizes the four principle study methodologies and presents findings from each methodology.

Availability details

Full report available on the Center for Court Innovation website at:…
