Youth Subgroups who Receive John F. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program Services


Chor, K.H.B., Petras, H., PĂ©rez, A.G.

Journal Article
Year published
Journal of Child and Family Studies
Accession number



Youth Subgroups who Receive John F. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program Services

Volume and issue



This journal article looks at the underlying patterns of services receipt to prepare youth who are aging out of foster care. States are required to report John F. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) service provision to the National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD). The researchers used a population of 68,057 first-time youth who received CFCIP services in FY2011-FY2013 from the NYTD to identify underlying combinations of service receipt that may be influenced by youth-level and state-level characteristics. States could benefit from understanding existing service receipt patterns and gaps to optimize decisions on service delivery in order to meet youth needs and to identify specific services that may prepare youth aging out of foster care towards positive outcomes. (author abstract modified)

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