29 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2021 Relationship Between Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Utilization and Biopsychosocial Characteristics Among Homeless Shelter Adolescents.

Gaudet, B.A., Liu, N., Kayne, A.N., Jarvill, T.L., Zemanek, C., Downen, J.M., Cuadrado, H.M., Smith, A.B., Greenberg, M.R., Jacoby, J.L., & Quinones, J.N.

Journal Article
2021 " Life Skill Development and its Impact on Perceived Stress, Employment and Education Pursuits: A Study of Young Adults with a History of Homelessness and Trauma."

Beker, J., & DeAngelis, T. M.

2021 Predictors of Treatment Engagement Among Suicidal Youth Experiencing Homelessness.

Walsh, L., Luthy, E., Feng, X., Tansel Yilmazer, T., Ford, J., Kelleher, K., Chavez, L. & Slesnick, N.

Journal Article
2021 Working With Suicidal and Homeless LGBTQ+ Youth in the Context of Family Rejection.

Ream, G., & Peters, A.

Journal Article
2021 Lifted: A thematic analysis of homeless adolescents’ reflections on their lives since beginning a multifaceted, community-based intervention.

Mendez, L.M.R., & Randle, C.A.

Journal Article
2021 Trauma-informed care for children involved with the child welfare system: A meta-analysis.

Zhang, S., Conner, A., Lim, Y. & Lefmann, T.

Journal Article
2020 Supporting Female Survivors of Gender-Based Violence Experiencing Homelessness: Outcomes of a Health Promotion Psychoeducation Group Intervention.

Bani-Fatemi, A., Malta, M., Noble, A., Wang, W., Rajakulendran, T., Kahan, D. & Stergiopoulos, V.

Journal Article
2020 Telemental health for child trauma treatment during and post-COVID-19: Limitations and considerations.

Racine, N., Hartwick, C., Collin-Vézina, D., & Madigan, S.

Journal Article
2020 Firearm Violence Exposure and Suicidal Ideation Among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness.

Hsu, H., Fulginiti, A., Petering, R., Barman-Adhikari, A., Santa Maria, D., Shelton, J., Bender, K., Narendorf, S. & Ferguson, K.

Journal Article
2020 Behavioral health treatment “Buy-in” among adolescent females with histories of commercial sexual exploitation.

Barnert, E., Kelly, M., Godoy, S., Abrams, L.S., & Bath, E.

Journal Article