31 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2021 Spotlight Series: YAB Pathways to Leadership


2021 Beyond a bed: Supportive connections forged between youth who are couch hopping and adult hosts.

Curry, S. R., VanMeeter, M., Tully, B. A., Ault S., Garst, N., Adam, K., Nesmith, A., & White, J.

Journal Article
2021 Birth Control Access and Selection among Youths Experiencing Homelessness in the United States: A Review.

Aparicio, E.M., Kachingwe, O.N., Fleishman, J., & Novick, J.

Journal Article
2020 Educational attainment among young adults experiencing homelessness in seven cities across the United States.

Chassman, S., Maude Littman, D., Bender, K., Santa Maria, D., Shelton, J.,Ferguson, K.M., Hsu, H., Narendorf, S.C., Barman-Adhikari, A., & Petering, R.

Journal Article
2020 An Introduction to Runaway and Homeless Youth for Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals

Bardine, D. & Palomo, A.

2020 Educational outcomes for homeless young adults with and without a history in foster care.

Villagrana, K.M., Mody, E.H., Lawler, S.B., Wu, Q., & Ferguson, K.M.

Journal Article
2020 Challenges Faced by Youth Aging Out of Foster Care: Homelessness, Education, and Employment.

Verulava, T., Jorbenadze, R., Bedianashvili, G., & Dangadze, B. 

Journal Article
2020 Firearm Violence Exposure and Suicidal Ideation Among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness.

Hsu, H., Fulginiti, A., Petering, R., Barman-Adhikari, A., Santa Maria, D., Shelton, J., Bender, K., Narendorf, S. & Ferguson, K.

Journal Article
2020 Developing a direct cash transfer program for youth experiencing homelessness: Results of a mixed methods, multistakeholder design process.

Morton, M. H., Chávez, R., Kull, M.A., Carreon, E. D., Bishop, J., Daferede, S., Barreyro, P.

Journal Article
2020 Reconnecting Homeless Adolescents and Their Families: Correlates of Participation in a Family Intervention.

Milburn, N. G., Klomhaus, A. M., Comulada, W. S., Lopez, S. A., Bath, E., Amani, B., . . . Kim, B.-K. E.

Journal Article