117 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2021 Social network correlates of education and employment service use among youth experiencing homelessness: A longitudinal study.

DiGuiseppi, G., Clomax, A., Rampton Dodge, J., & Rice, E.

Journal Article
2021 Investigating the impacts of COVID-19 among LGBTQ2S youth experiencing homelessness.

Abramovich, A., Pang, N., Moss, A., Logie, C.H., Chaiton, M., Kidd, S.A., & Hamilton, H.A.

Journal Article
2021 Racial Equity Toolkit. Paper/Research
2021 [Commentary]. Youth Experiencing Homelessness During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Unique Needs and Practical Strategies from International Perspectives.

Gewirtz O’Brien, J.R., Auerswald, C., English, A., Ammerman, S., Beharry, M., et.al.

2021 Transforming power with centering love in state-sponsored services for LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness.

Trochmann, M. B., & Millesen, J. L.

Journal Article
2021 Promoting Personal Growth in Young People Experiencing Homelessness Through an Outdoors-Based Program.

Parry, B.J., Thompson, J.L., Holland, M.J.G., & Cummin, J.

Journal Article
2021 Youth At-Risk of Homelessness: Design for an Impact Study of “Pathways to Success”: A Coach-Like Case Management Program for Youth and Young Adults in Foster Care”, OPRE Report #2021-152. Administration for Children and Families, OPRE, August 2021

Keith, R., Selekman, R., & Burwick, A.

2021 Runaway & Homeless Youth and Relationship Violence Toolkit, Guidance and Materials for Practitioners. National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. Guide/Toolkit
2021 Homelessness and Suicidality: The Role of Bullying and Parental Support

McCallops, K., Aviles, A.M., Earnshaw, V.A. & Palkovitz, R.

Journal Article
2021 Promoting Mental Health among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Questioning Youth: Implications for Practice.

Mallinger, G.

Journal Article