17 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2022 Preventing Youth Homelessness in the Context of Covid-19: Complexities and Ways Forward.

Perri, M., & Sohn, J.

Journal Article
2022 Does the source matter? Social support and suicide attempts among homeless youth.

Fulginiti, A., Negriff, S., Call, J., & Rice, E.

Journal Article
2022 Alameda County's Youth Transitions Partnership Program: An examination of the relationship between placement stability and program engagement.

Van Drunen, M., Packard Tucker, L., & Dworsky, A.

2022 Diversion as a pathway to improving service utilization among at-risk youth.

Barrett, J.G., Flores, M., Lee, E., Mullin, B., Greenbaum, C.

Journal Article
2022 The Effectiveness Of Ptsd Treatment For Adolescents In the Juvenile Justice System: A Systematic Review.

Baetz, C. L., Branson, C. E., Weinberger, E., Rose, R. E., Petkova, E., Horwitz, S. M., et. al.

Journal Article
2021 Perspectives of Girls and Young Women Affected by Commercial Sexual Exploitation: mHealth as a Tool to Increase Engagement in Care.

Bath, E.P., Godoy, S.M., Perris, G.E., Morris, T.C., Hayes, M.D., Bagot, K., Barnert, E. & Tolou-Shams, M.

Journal Article
2020 Supporting Female Survivors of Gender-Based Violence Experiencing Homelessness: Outcomes of a Health Promotion Psychoeducation Group Intervention.

Bani-Fatemi, A., Malta, M., Noble, A., Wang, W., Rajakulendran, T., Kahan, D. & Stergiopoulos, V.

Journal Article
2020 Mental Illness and Youth-Onset Homelessness: A Retrospective Study among Adults Experiencing Homelessness.

Iwundu, C.N., Chen, T.-A., Edereka-Great, K., Businelle, M.S., Kendzor, D.E., & Reitzel, L.R.

Journal Article
2019 Child welfare characteristics in a sample of youth involved in commercial sex: An exploratory study.

Greeson, J.K.P., Treglia, D., Schilling Wolfe, D., Wasch, S., Gelles, R.J.

Journal Article
2019 Defining Homelessness in the Transition to Adulthood for Policy and Prevention.

Fowler, P.J., Marcal, K.E., Zhang, J.., Day, O., & Landsverk, J.

Journal Article