64 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2023 Increasing Latino Homelessness— What’s Happening, Why, and What to Do About It.

Chinchilla, M., Moses, J. & Visotzky, A.

2023 Expanding Access to and Use of Behavioral Health Services for People At Risk for or Experiencing Homelessness. Report
2023 The impact of multiple stressful life events on posttraumatic growth in adolescence.

Fraus, K., Dominick, W., Walenski, A., & Taku, K.

Journal Article
2023 Child Welfare Service Adaptations during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Balancing Worker Safety and Doing Essential Work.

Maiter, S., Kikulwe, D., Sibbald, & S.

Journal Article
2022 Suicidality in homeless children and adolescents: A systematic review.

Flach, Y. & Razza, T.S.

Journal Article
2022 Who Is Couch-Surfing and Who Is on the Streets? Disparities Among Racial and Sexual Minority Youth in Experiences of Homelessness.

Petry, L., Hill, C., Milbrun, N., & Rice, E.

Journal Article
2022 Promoting Healthy Attitudes and Behaviors in Youth Who Experience Homelessness: Results of a Longitudinal Intervention Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 70(6), 942-949.

Rew, L., Slesnkick, N., Johnson, K., & Sales, A.

Journal Article
2022 Commentary Health, Safety, and Well-Being of Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States: What Is at Stake Beyond 2021?

English, A., & Brindis, E.

Journal Article
2022 Poverty, Homelessness, Hunger in Children, and Adolescents: Psychosocial Perspectives.

Pumariega, A.J., Gogineni, R.R., & Benton, T.

Journal Article
2022 Assessing Homelessness and Incarceration Among Youth Aging Out of Foster Care, by Type of Disability.

Lee, J.S., Gimm, G., Mohindroo, M. & Lever, L.

Journal Article