3 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2022 The syndemic effects of adverse mental health conditions and polysubstance use on being at risk of clinical depression among marginally housed and homeless transitional age youth living in San Francisco, California.

Jain, J. P., Santos, G.-M., Hao, J., Leonard, A., Miller, A. M., Cuca, Y. P., & Dawson-Rose, C.

Journal Article
2021 Making the Most of the American Rescue Plan: A Guide to the Funding That Impacts People Experiencing Homelessness Paper/Research
2020 Reconnecting Homeless Adolescents and Their Families: Correlates of Participation in a Family Intervention.

Milburn, N. G., Klomhaus, A. M., Comulada, W. S., Lopez, S. A., Bath, E., Amani, B., . . . Kim, B.-K. E.

Journal Article