3 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2022 Social Media Use and Health and Well-being of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Youth: Systematic Review.

Berger, M. N., Taba, M., Marino, J. L., Lim, M. S. C., & Skinner, S. R.

Journal Article
2021 Efficacy of a Just-in-Time Adaptive Intervention to Promote HIV Risk Reduction Behaviors Among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.

Santa Maria; D., Padhye, N., Businelle, M., Yang, Y., Jones, J., Sims, A., & Lightfoot, M.

Journal Article
2019 A Hidden Healthcare Crisis: Youth Homelessness.

Schifalacqua, M., Ghafoori, A., & Jacobowitz, M.

Journal Article