14 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2023 Community- and Data-Driven Homelessness Prevention and Service Delivery: Optimizing for Equity.

Kube, Amanda R. and Das, Sanmay and Fowler, Patrick J.

Journal Article
2022 Transitioning to independent living: Experiences of homeless young adults in rapid rehousing.

Gurdak, K., Bond, L., Padgett, D., & Petering, R

Journal Article
2022 Accelerated adulthood, extended adolescence and the care cliff: Supporting care leavers' transition from care to independent living.

Palmer, A., Norris, M., & Kelleher, J.

Journal Article
2022 Extension of foster care beyond age 18. Report
2022 Work-related trauma exposure: Influence on child welfare workers’ mental health and commitment to the field.

King, E. A.

Journal Article
2021 Queer homelessness: the distinct experiences of sexuality and trans-gender diverse youth, Journal of LGBT Youth.

Hail-Jares, K., Vichta-Ohlsen, R., Butler, T.M. & Byrne, J.

Journal Article
2021 Risk and Resilience Factors for Youth Homelessness in Western Countries: A Systematic Review.

Grattan, R.E., Tryon, V.L., Lara, N., Gabrielian, S.E., Melnikow, J., Niendam, T.A.

Journal Article
2020 Identifying Strategic Entry Points for Services among Transition-Aged Mothers Who Are Homeless.

Cazares, M. K., & Hernández, J

Journal Article
2020 Assessing and treating complex mental health needs among homeless youth in a shelter-based clinic.

Winiarski, D.A., Rufa, A.K., Bounds, D.T., Glover, A.C., Hill, K.A., & Karnik, N.S.

Journal Article
2020 Hearing their voices: Youths’ experiences of unstable housing and homelessness post-care.

Lalonde, J. & Thomson, A.E.

Journal Article