5 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2022 Improving Access to Housing and Supportive Services for Runaway and Homeless Youth: Reducing Vulnerability to Human Trafficking in New York City.

Kaya, Y. B., Maass, K. L., Dimas, G. L., Konrad, R., Trapp, A. C., & Dank, M.

Journal Article
2020 Access to healthcare among youth experiencing homelessness: Perspectives from healthcare and social service providers.

Gallardo, K.R., Mariab, D.S., Narendorfc, S., Markhama, C.M., Swartza, M.D., & Batistec, C.M.

Journal Article
2020 Mental Health Outcomes Among Homeless, Runaway, and Stably Housed Youth

Gewirtz O’Brien, J.R., Edinburgh, L.D., & Barnes, A.J., et al.

Journal Article
2020 Preventive health care utilization among youths who have run away, experienced homelessness, or been stably housed

Gewirtz O'Brien, J. R., Barnes, A. J., Scal, P. B., & McRee, A. L.

Journal Article
2019 An Ecological Analysis of Risk Factors for Runaway Behavior among Individuals Exposed to Commercial Sexual Exploitation.

Fedina, L., Perdue, T., Bright, C.L. & Williamson, C.

Journal Article