3 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2022 The Effectiveness Of Ptsd Treatment For Adolescents In the Juvenile Justice System: A Systematic Review.

Baetz, C. L., Branson, C. E., Weinberger, E., Rose, R. E., Petkova, E., Horwitz, S. M., et. al.

Journal Article
2022 Trauma Exposure and Mental Health Needs Among Adolescents Involved With the Juvenile Justice System.

Duron, J. F., Williams-Butler, A., Mattson, P., & Boxer, P.

Journal Article
2021 “I’m losing everything all over again”: Responses from youth experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rew, L., Yeargain, O., Peretz, C., & Croce, E.

Journal Article