National Youth Job Programs


Job Corps 1-800-773-JOBS At 122 Job Corps campuses across the country, young people ages 16- 24 receive academic, vocational, and social skill training in an environment that encourages independent living.

National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program 1-703-607-2664 The National Guard ChalleNGe offers a 22-week military-style residential program and a year of mentoring to youth, ages 16-18, who need educational opportunities, job skills, and self confidence to avoid risky behaviors.

STRIVE 1-212-360-1100 Over an intensive, month-long course, STRIVE teaches those in danger of chronic unemployment the soft skills, such as communication and professionalism, they need to succeed in any workplace. Job placement and long-term followup are also provided.

YouthBuild 1-617-623-9900 In YouthBuild programs across the country, unemployed and undereducated young people ages 16-24 work toward their GEDs or high school diplomas while learning job skills by building affordable housing for homeless and low-income people.

Youth Service and Conservation Corps 1-202-737-6272 Youth in the Corps carry out a wide range of conservation, urban infrastructure improvement, and human service projects while receiving academic, financial, emotional, and vocational support.

Source: Preparing Youth for Employment: Principles and Characteristics of Five Leading United States Youth Development Programs. Author: G. Partee. 2003. Available from American Youth Policy Forum at

Many local programs offer promising practices in youth employment, as well. For programs recognized in the Community Guide to Helping America's Youth, a project of the White House initiative Helping America's Youth, go to…, use the program tool, and search using the keyword "employment." For a list of programs recognized by the National Youth Employment Coalition's PEPNet (Promising and Effective Practices Network) program, go to

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