Protective Factors Survey (PFS)


The Protective Factors Survey (PFS) is a 20-item pencil and paper survey that takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The instrument is divided into two sections, the first is completed by program staff and the second is completed by the program participant. The participant portion of the survey contains a set of questions for capturing demographic information followed by the protective factors section, the 20 core items of the PFS. In the demographic section, participants are asked to provide details about their family composition, income, and involvement in services. In the protective factors section, participants respond to a series of statements about their family, using a seven-point frequency or agreement scale. The following protective factors are covered in the survey: Family Functioning/ Resiliency (5 items), Social Support (3 items), Concrete Support (3 items) , Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development (5 items), Nurturing and Attachment (4 items).

Measure Subject
Qualifications required for staff to administer the tool?


Cost of materials