21 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2021 Trauma-informed care for children involved with the child welfare system: A meta-analysis.

Zhang, S., Conner, A., Lim, Y. & Lefmann, T.

Journal Article
2020 Adolescent Homelessness and Associated Features: Prevalence and Risk Across Eight States

Cutuli, J.J., Treglia, D., & Herbers, J.E.

Journal Article
2020 Factors Associated with HIV Testing Among Atlanta’s Homeless Youth. AIDS Education and Prevention`Factors Associated with HIV Testing Among Atlanta’s Homeless Youth. AIDS Education and Prevention

Myles, R. L., Best, J., Bautista, G., Wright, E.R., LaBoy, A., et al

Journal Article
2020 Behavioral health treatment “Buy-in” among adolescent females with histories of commercial sexual exploitation.

Barnert, E., Kelly, M., Godoy, S., Abrams, L.S., & Bath, E.

Journal Article
2020 Homelessness in Pediatric Populations: Strategies for Prevention, Assistance, and Advocacy.

Beharry, M.S. & Randal Christensen, R.

Journal Article
2020 Trauma, substance use, and mental health symptoms in transitional age youth experiencing homelessness.

Dawson-Rose, C., Shehadeh, D., Hao, J., Barnard, J., Khoddam-Khorasani, L. & Leonard, A.

Journal Article
2019 Holistic, trauma-informed adolescent pregnancy prevention and sexual health promotion for female youth experiencing homelessness: Initial outcomes of Wahine Talk.

Aparicio, E.M., Kachingwe, O.N., Phillips, D.R., Fleishman, J., Novick,J., Okimoto,T., Cabral, M.K., Ka'opua, L.S., Childers, C., Espero, J. & Anderson, K.

Journal Article
2019 “I’d rather injure somebody else than get injured”: An introduction to the study of exposure to physical violence among young people experiencing homelessness.

Heerde, J.A. & Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, M.

Journal Article
2019 Understanding pathways between PTSD, homelessness, and substance use among adolescents.

Davis, J. P., Diguiseppi, G., De Leon, J., Prindle, J., Sedano, A., Rivera, D., Henwood, B., & Rice, E.

Journal Article
2019 Supporting Cultural Identity for Children in Foster Care.

Ariella Hope Stafanson

Journal Article