64 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2021 Risk and Resilience Factors for Youth Homelessness in Western Countries: A Systematic Review.

Grattan, R.E., Tryon, V.L., Lara, N., Gabrielian, S.E., Melnikow, J., Niendam, T.A.

Journal Article
2020 Fostering Inequity: How COVID-19 Amplifies Dangers for LGBTQ+ Youth in Care. Policy Report
2020 Cognitive Therapy for Suicide Prevention: A Randomized Pilot with Suicidal Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Slesnick, N., Zhang, J., Feng, X., Wu, Q., Walsh, L., & Granello, D. H.

Journal Article
2020 An Introduction to Runaway and Homeless Youth for Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals

Bardine, D. & Palomo, A.

2020 Role of school-climate in school-based violence among homeless and nonhomeless students: Individual- and school-level analysis

Moore, H., Avi Astorb, R., & Benbenishtya, R.

Journal Article
2020 Student Resilience in the Face of Challenges at California’s Community Colleges

California Homeless Youth Project

2020 Tragedy Response Protocol. COVID-19 Addendum Paper/Research
2020 Mental Illness and Youth-Onset Homelessness: A Retrospective Study among Adults Experiencing Homelessness.

Iwundu, C.N., Chen, T.-A., Edereka-Great, K., Businelle, M.S., Kendzor, D.E., & Reitzel, L.R.

Journal Article
2020 Firearm Violence Exposure and Suicidal Ideation Among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness.

Hsu, H., Fulginiti, A., Petering, R., Barman-Adhikari, A., Santa Maria, D., Shelton, J., Bender, K., Narendorf, S. & Ferguson, K.

Journal Article
2020 Researchers Find Association between Participation in Extended Foster Care and Reduced Risk of Homelessness

Feng, H., Harty, J.S., Okpych, N.J. & Courtney, M.E.
