40 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2019 Effects of individual risk and state housing factors on adverse outcomes in a national sample of youth transitioning out of foster care.

Dana M. Prince, Sarah Vidal, Nathanael Okpych, Christian M. Connell.

Journal Article
2019 Individual-Level Predictors for Becoming Homeless and Exiting Homelessness: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Nilsson, S.F., Nordentoft, M. & Hjorthøj, C.

Journal Article
2019 An Ecological Analysis of Risk Factors for Runaway Behavior among Individuals Exposed to Commercial Sexual Exploitation.

Fedina, L., Perdue, T., Bright, C.L. & Williamson, C.

Journal Article
2019 “I’d rather injure somebody else than get injured”: An introduction to the study of exposure to physical violence among young people experiencing homelessness.

Heerde, J.A. & Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, M.

Journal Article
2019 Understanding pathways between PTSD, homelessness, and substance use among adolescents.

Davis, J. P., Diguiseppi, G., De Leon, J., Prindle, J., Sedano, A., Rivera, D., Henwood, B., & Rice, E.

Journal Article
2019 Supporting Cultural Identity for Children in Foster Care.

Ariella Hope Stafanson

Journal Article
2018 Shining Light on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Toolkit to Build Understanding. Guide/Toolkit
Blue Campaign. HOW TO TALK TO YOUTH ABOUT HUMAN TRAFFICKING: A Guide for Youth Caretakers and Individuals Working with Youth. Guide/Toolkit
Family Unification Program-Family Self-Sufficiency (FUP-FSS) Demonstration Evaluation.

Claudia D. Solari, Mike Pergamit, Mark Treskon, Mica O’Brien, Amy Rogin, Matthew Gerkin, Annelise Loveless, Martena Reed, Urban Institute, Amy Dworsky, & Chapin Hall.

Maximizing Impact of Direct Cash Transfers to Young People Navigating interactions with tax obligations, public benefits, and other financial assistance. Guide/Toolkit