117 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2020 Reconnecting Homeless Adolescents and Their Families: Correlates of Participation in a Family Intervention.

Milburn, N. G., Klomhaus, A. M., Comulada, W. S., Lopez, S. A., Bath, E., Amani, B., . . . Kim, B.-K. E.

Journal Article
2020 Victimization and Resilience Among Sexual and Gender Minority Homeless Youth Engaging in Survival Sex

Alessi, E.J., Greenfield, B., Manning, D., Dank, M.

Journal Article
2020 Hearing their voices: Youths’ experiences of unstable housing and homelessness post-care.

Lalonde, J. & Thomson, A.E.

Journal Article
2020 Individual and Social Network Correlates of Sexual Health Communication Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Craddock, J.B., Barman-Adhikari, A., Combs, K.M., Fulginiti, A., & Rice, E.

Journal Article
2019 Tackling youth homelessness with peer navigators in Cleveland. Paper/Research
2019 LGBTIQ+ Homelessness: A Review of the Literature.

Fraser, B., Pierse, N., Chisholm, E., & Cook, H.

Journal Article
2019 At the Intersections: A Collaborative Resources on LGBTQ Youth Homelessness.

Price, C., Chanchan, D., Wheeler, C., Seip, N., & Rish, J. (Eds.)

2019 More than just a seat at the table: the power of youth voice in ending youth homelessness in the United States. Child Care in Practice, 25(1), 112–125.

Schoenfeld, E. A., Bennett, K., Manganella, K., & Kemp, G.

Journal Article
2019 Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer experiences of homelessness and identity: insecurity and home(o)normativity.

Matthews, P., Poyner, C., & Kjellgren, R.

Journal Article
2019 Sexual Identity Disclosure Reflections among Young Adult Sexual Minorities: Resources Needed for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth.

Emetu, R. E., Bowman, S. M., & Obeng, C. S.

Journal Article