9 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2023 Dissociation: Factor structure and the role of trauma among treatment-seeking adolescents.

Kyte, D. H., Suvak, M. K., Hodgdon, H., & DiBiase, R.

Journal Article
2021 Student Homelessness: Lessons from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Paper/Research
2020 Interventions for youth homelessness: a systematic review of effectiveness studies.

Morton, M.H., Kugley, S., Epstein, R., Farrell, A.F.

Journal Article
2020 Health, Homelessness Severity, and Substance Use among Sexual Minority Youth Experiencing Homelessness: A Comparison of Bisexual Versus Gay and Lesbian Youth.

Siconolfi, D., Tucker, J. S., Shadel, W. G., Seelam, R., & Golinelli, D.

Journal Article
2019 Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer experiences of homelessness and identity: insecurity and home(o)normativity.

Matthews, P., Poyner, C., & Kjellgren, R.

Journal Article
2019 Sexual Identity Disclosure Reflections among Young Adult Sexual Minorities: Resources Needed for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth.

Emetu, R. E., Bowman, S. M., & Obeng, C. S.

Journal Article
2019 “Getting pregnant might make me seem more normal to them”: Attitudes, experiences, and gendered nuances regarding pregnancy and parenting among youths experiencing homelessness.

Begun, S.

Journal Article
2018 Providing Solutions to LGBT Homeless Youth: Lessons from Baltimore’s Youth Empowered Society.

Dolamore, S., & Naylor, L. A.

Journal Article
2018 Child Welfare Systems and LGBTQ Youth Homelessness: Gender Segregation, Instability, and Intersectionality.

Robinson, B.A.

Journal Article