4 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2022 Nowhere to go: Housing pathways of college students with foster care and homelessness experience.

Skobba, K., Moorman, D., Meyers, D., White, K., & Tiller, L.

Journal Article
2021 Using research to improve postsecondary education outcomes of community college students in foster care.

Havlicek J, Dworsky A, Gitlow E.

2019 The impact of interventions for youth experiencing homelessness on housing, mental health, substance use, and family cohesion: a systematic review.

Wang, J. Z., Mott, S., Magwood, O., Mathew, C., Mclellan, A., Kpade, V., Gaba, P., Kozloff, N., Pottie, K., & Andermann, A.

Journal Article
2018 Improving the postsecondary educational attainment of youth in foster care.

Dworsky, A.