7 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2022 Resilience factors in youth transitioning out of foster care: A systematic review.

Nuñez, M., Beal, S.J., Jacquez, F.

Journal Article
2022 The Effectiveness Of Ptsd Treatment For Adolescents In the Juvenile Justice System: A Systematic Review.

Baetz, C. L., Branson, C. E., Weinberger, E., Rose, R. E., Petkova, E., Horwitz, S. M., et. al.

Journal Article
2021 " Life Skill Development and its Impact on Perceived Stress, Employment and Education Pursuits: A Study of Young Adults with a History of Homelessness and Trauma."

Beker, J., & DeAngelis, T. M.

2020 In search of employment: Tackling youth homelessness and unemployment.

Axe, J., Elizabeth Childs, E., & Manion, K.

Journal Article
2020 Challenges Faced by Youth Aging Out of Foster Care: Homelessness, Education, and Employment.

Verulava, T., Jorbenadze, R., Bedianashvili, G., & Dangadze, B. 

Journal Article
2019 Evidence Summary: Economic and Employment Interventions for Youth Homelessness.

Morton, M.H., Farrell, A. F., Kugley, S. & Epstein, R.A.

2019 Estimating the effects of independent living services on educational attainment and employment of foster care youth.

Kim, Y. Eunsu Ju, E., Rosenberg, R., & Farmer, E.M.Z.

Journal Article