Screening Tool
This Web page helps you easily search and access screening and assessment tools relevant to serving youth and young adults. It allows you to search by various criteria to narrow a review of some 120 plus tools.
Title | Subject | Age | Required Reading Level | Language | Qualifications | Cost |
Protective Factors Survey (PFS) | Resiliency, Trauma | 14-26 | English | No |
Free | |
Protective Factors Survey, 2nd Edition (PFS-2) | Resiliency, Trauma | 14-26 | English | No |
Free | |
Adverse Childhood Experience Questionnaire (ACE) | Resiliency, Trauma | 18-26 | English | No |
Free | |
The Youth Thrive Survey | Resiliency, Social Connections, Thriving | 12-26 | English | Self administered on-line by YYA. Support provided with online manual for supervisor. |
Free |