13 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2020 Firearm Violence Exposure and Suicidal Ideation Among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness.

Hsu, H., Fulginiti, A., Petering, R., Barman-Adhikari, A., Santa Maria, D., Shelton, J., Bender, K., Narendorf, S. & Ferguson, K.

Journal Article
2020 The Crosswinds - Open Table Collaboration: An Aftercare Model for Runaway and Homeless Youth.

Johnson, B.R., & Wubbenhorst

2019 Understanding Organizations Serving Runaway and Homeless Youth: A Multi-setting, Multi-perspective Qualitative Exploration

Gwadz, M., Freeman, R., Leonard, N. R., Kutnick, A., Silverman, E., Ritchie, A., Powlovich, J.

Journal Article