39 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2019 “She was there through the whole process:” Exploring how homeless youth access and select birth control.

Kachingwe, O.N., Anderson, K., Houser, C., Fleishman, J.L., Novick, J.G., Phillips, D.R. & Aparicio, E.M.

Journal Article
2019 Mental Disorder, Service Utilization, and GPA: Studying Mental Health of Former Child Welfare and Youth Experiencing Homelessness in a Campus Support Program.

Huang, H., Fernandez, S.B., Rhoden, M., & Joseph, R.

Journal Article
2019 Understanding Organizations Serving Runaway and Homeless Youth: A Multi-setting, Multi-perspective Qualitative Exploration

Gwadz, M., Freeman, R., Leonard, N. R., Kutnick, A., Silverman, E., Ritchie, A., Powlovich, J.

Journal Article
2019 “I’d rather injure somebody else than get injured”: An introduction to the study of exposure to physical violence among young people experiencing homelessness.

Heerde, J.A. & Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, M.

Journal Article
2019 Mental Health Diagnoses of Youth Commercial Sex Exploitation Victims: an Analysis within an Adjudicated Delinquent Sample.

Chapple, C.L., Crawford, B.L.

Journal Article
2019 Understanding pathways between PTSD, homelessness, and substance use among adolescents.

Davis, J. P., Diguiseppi, G., De Leon, J., Prindle, J., Sedano, A., Rivera, D., Henwood, B., & Rice, E.

Journal Article
2019 Community Saturation Sourcebook: A Field Plan for Youth-Serving Program Providers. Prepared For Administration on Children and Families. Journal Article
2018 Homelessness, Mental Health and Suicidality Among LGBTQ Youth Accessing Crisis Services.

Rhoades, H., Rusow, J.A., Bond, D., Lanteigne, A., Fulginiti, A., & Goldbach, J.T.

Journal Article
Community Saturation Toolkit; Resources for Youth-Serving Program Providers. Guide/Toolkit