674 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2017 Quality Health Care for Homeless Children: Achieving the AAP Recommendations for Care of Homeless Children and Youth

Chatterjee, A., So, M., Dunleavy, S., Oken, E.

Journal Article
2017 Quick Guide for Counseling Staff Working With Students Experiencing Homelessness

Hurt, Dee

2017 Reducing Homelessness Among Youth with Child Welfare Involvement: An Analysis of Phase I Planning Processes in a Multi-phase Grant

Stagner, M., Vogel, L.K., Knas, E., Fung, N., Worthington, J., Bradley, M.C., DAngelo, A., Gothro, A., Powers, C.

2017 Preventing Suicide: A Technical Package of Policy, Programs, and Practices

Stone, D., Holland, K., Bartholow, B., Crosby, A., Davis, S., Wilkins, N.

2017 Promising Gains, Persistent Gaps Paper/Research
2017 Predictors of Outreach Meetings Among Substance Using Homeless Youth

Carmona, J., Slesnick, N., Guo, X., Murnan, A., Brakenhoff, B.

Journal Article
2017 Pretesting a Human Trafficking Screening Tool in the Child Welfare and Runaway and Homeless Youth Systems

Dank, M., Yahner, J., Yu, L., Vasquez-Noriega, C., Gelatt, J., Pergamit, M.

2017 Polyvictimization and Developmental Trauma Adaptations in Sex Trafficked Youth

Hopper, E.K.

Journal Article
2017 Predicting Homelessness Among Emerging Adults Aging Out of Foster Care

Shah, M.F., Liu, Q., Eddy, J.M., Barkan, S., Marshall, D., Mancuso, D., Lucenko, B., Huber, A.

Journal Article
2017 Using Case Records to Understand Client Experiences

Hicks, M., Harding, J., Mecum, B.
