674 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2022 Predictors of service utilization among homeless former foster youth: Implications for intervention.

Yoshioka-Maxwell, A.

Journal Article
2022 A Brief Primer on Youth Participatory Action Research for Mentoring Programs. National Mentoring Resource Center, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Anderson, A., de los Reyes Moore, W., Monjares-Gaytan, L.

2022 Supportive Housing Case Management and Employment Services in Reducing Risk of Behavioral Health Crisis.

Martone, K., Arienti, F., Gulley, J., & Post, R.

2022 A Safe Place to Be: Crisis Stabilization Services and Other Supports for Children and Youth.

Schober, M., Harburger, D.S., Sulzbach, D., Zabel, M.

2022 Alameda County's Youth Transitions Partnership Program: An examination of the relationship between placement stability and program engagement.

Van Drunen, M., Packard Tucker, L., & Dworsky, A.

2022 Extension of foster care beyond age 18. Report
2022 Reciprocal associations between housing instability and youth criminal legal involvement: a scoping review.

Almquist, L & Cusworth, W. S.

Journal Article
2022 Diversion as a pathway to improving service utilization among at-risk youth.

Barrett, J.G., Flores, M., Lee, E., Mullin, B., Greenbaum, C.

Journal Article
2022 Experiences of Youth Transitioning Out of Juvenile Justice or Foster Care Systems: The Correlates of Successful Moves to Independence.

Brisson, D., Wilson, J.H., Medina, E., Hughey, C., Chassman, S. & Calhoun, K.

Journal Article
2022 Pregnancy and parenting support for youth experiencing homelessness.

Eapen, D.J.

Journal Article