674 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2020 Role of school-climate in school-based violence among homeless and nonhomeless students: Individual- and school-level analysis

Moore, H., Avi Astorb, R., & Benbenishtya, R.

Journal Article
2020 An examination of housing interventions among youth experiencing homelessness: an investigation into racial/ethnic and sexual minority status

Hill, C., Hsu, H., Holguin, M., Morton, M., Winetrobe, H., et al.

Journal Article
2020 Examining the link: Foster care runaway episodes and human trafficking

Latzman, N. E., & Gibbs, D.

2020 Factors Associated with HIV Testing Among Atlanta’s Homeless Youth. AIDS Education and Prevention`Factors Associated with HIV Testing Among Atlanta’s Homeless Youth. AIDS Education and Prevention

Myles, R. L., Best, J., Bautista, G., Wright, E.R., LaBoy, A., et al

Journal Article
2020 Homelessness in School-Age Children and Youth: A Scoping Review of the Literature

Gultekin, L.E., Brush, B.L., Ginier, E., Cordom, A., & Dowdell, E.B.

Journal Article
2020 No Home and No Acceptance: Exploring the Intersectionality of Sexual/ Gender Identities (LGBTQ) and Race in the Foster Care System

Grooms, J.

Journal Article
2020 Characteristics, experiences, and service utilization patterns of homeless youth in a transitional living program: Differences by LGBQ identity

Prock, K. & Kennedy, A.C.

Journal Article
2020 Programming Ideas for Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Forstadt, L., Yuan, S., Ashurst, K., Scheer, M., Myers, S., & Sedges Wallace, H.

Journal Article
2020 Risk and protective factors contributing to homelessness among foster care youth: An analysis of the National Youth in Transition Database

Kelly, P.

Journal Article
2020 Student Resilience in the Face of Challenges at California’s Community Colleges

California Homeless Youth Project
