674 Search Results
Year Title Authors Type
2017 Innovations In Accountability Measures and Processes: Three Case Studies for Alternative Education

Gillis, D.

2017 Integrated Data Are Key to Pay for Success

The Annie E. Casey Foundation

2017 Intersection of Homelessness and Mental Health: A Mixed Methods Study of Young Adults Who Accessed Psychiatric Emergency Services

Narendorf, S.C.

Journal Article
2017 Interventions for Addressing Prolonged Youth Homelessness

HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

2017 Hungry and Homeless in College: Results from a National Study of Basic Needs Insecurity in Higher Education

Goldrick-Rab, S., Richardson, J., Hernandez, A.

2017 Implementation of Human Trafficking Education and Treatment Algorithm in the Emergency Department

Egyud, A., Stephens, K., Swanson-Bierman, B., DiCuccio, M., Whiteman, K.

Journal Article
2017 Human Trafficking and Child Welfare: A Guide for Caseworkers Brief
2017 Human Trafficking of Minors and Childhood Adversity in Florida

Reid, J.A., Baglivio, M.T., Piquero, A.R., Greenwald, M.A., Epps, N.

Journal Article
2017 Homeless Students Count: How States and School Districts Can Comply With the New McKinney-Vento Education Law Post-ESSA

National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty

2017 Healing With Books: A Literature Review of Bibliotherapy Used With Children and Youth Who Have Experienced Trauma

De Vries, D., Brennan, Z., Lankin, M., Morse, R., Rix, B., Beck, T.

Journal Article